Friday, February 04, 2011

A Little More Progress

Thanks to the snow storm that hit Indiana this week, I've had a lot of time to stitch. I decided to pull this one out of the WIP pile:

This is my Quaker Seasons of Friendship SAL I started last January with my friend Maxine. I am sorry to say that it took me over 1 year to stitch the first quarter of the design. I hope to spend more time on this project this year and get more done on it than I did last year. Maybe I can even get it done by the end of this year!

I am using HDF's Wattle n' Daub as the main color and MoonCreep for the personalization and on some of the little motifs.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Snow storms are good for something. I love being stuck home and only being able to stitch. Looks beautiful